Our first visit to the neighborhood playground. Chandler loved it!
Our visit to my work was simply exhausting!
Patiently waiting in the waiting room for her first doctor's appointment
Gotta love a good bath!
Gymboree Music Class ... she loved the big drum
I cried when I saw her little name tag... how cute!
Let's eat!
What a fun first week back in the U.S.A.!! We've both recovered from the jet lag and our colds and are enjoying spending time with friends this week. My laptop crashed just a few days after we returned home so please forgive me for the lack of updates. I'm using my old trusty desktop so this may take a while but we'll eventually get this posted.
Unfortunately, Nana left to go back to NY last Tuesday. It was a sad morning for us all but we can't wait to see her soon when we fly up for a visit in just a few weeks. After we dropped Nana off at the airport we headed Uptown for Chandler's first doctor's visit. She did great and especially loved playing in the waiting room. She even did well with the nurse who weighed and measured her. Dr. Walker has three children of her own who were adopted from Russia and she specializes in internationally adopted patients. She said Chandler's development and health is "just perfect"! Honest, she really said that!! :) She said she's attached to me very well and appears to be in great health. Chandler endured one quick shot like a champ and then we were off for a fun mommy-daughter afternoon. We stopped at Bojangles for lunch since it was close to the doctor's office and Chandler absolutely loved it. She couldn't get enough of the egg sandwich and mac and cheese. The doctor said to let her try all kinds of foods so I did just that. She is quite the eater and so far the only thing she won't eat is cottage cheese. Nana was sure she'd love it since Yvonne and I did as babies, but no such luck. Apparently she takes after her Grampie with that one since he won't touch it either! We seem to make new friends everywhere we go and our Bojangles visit was no different. We met the nicest couple there who enjoyed Chandler and she them. They have two children who are 16 and 23 and they loved telling stories of parenthood. They gave me some wonderful advice that I will always remember, they said "Don't worry what people say about spoiling her too much.... just love her with all your heart." I loved hearing that since I struggle with even setting her down at times. :)
The next day we visited my work for several hours. Chandler loved all the ladies fussing over her and after a while even let a few hold her. She was very proud for the opportunity to show off her crawling and almost-walking talents as well as her patty cake and waving gestures. It was so much fun she had to stop for a quick nap to recharge while we were there. I work with a great bunch of folks that were truly so excited to meet her. After our work visit we headed back Uptown to the hospital for her blood work. Booooooo! That was no fun at all. It broke my heart to see the terror on her face when they started but she was a champ once again through it all. By the last vial she just gave up crying and went back to sucking her thumb. When we left the nurse said to me, "Ah, you are crying too!" Whew! So glad that's over.
We spent the rest of last week visiting with friends and getting out and about. This week has been no different. Yesterday Chandler even helped me mow the yard. She had a blast sitting in the front carrier with her ear plugs and shades. I've never had so much fun doing yard work in my life! On Tuesday Chandler attended her first Gymboree music and play class. She loved all the different instruments and the other babies too. We're going back next week for the gym class which should be fun too. She really loves playing with other kids big and small. Last week we stopped by her daycare to visit. They were so wonderful to her and introduced her to all of her future classmates and teachers. Chandler would have stayed all day if I'd let her. And at church on Sunday I had nursery duty so I requested to be in her age group so we could be together. Truth be told I think Chandler would have done fine without me but I would have cried terribly! She loved it there too and is quickly learning the art of sharing.
As you can see, I'm truly treasuring these few weeks I have to spend with her before I go back to work. I'm having the time of my life and I hope she would say the same. 'Til next time....